What Can a Data Recovery Company Do For You?
Sooner or later most computer users will experience some form of data loss. Depending on the importance and relevancy of the data that has been lost, you may want to consider hiring a data recovery company to help you get your files and information back. In many cases, you can recover your lost data if you take the correct steps to protect your drive and your files from further damage. Data recovery specialists generally have a success rate of around 80-90% when recovering lost files.
How to Recover Your Data If NTFS Partition Is Not AccessibleData recovery from your PC’s inaccessible or corrupt NTFS partition is possible by following certain steps. You should know these steps to save your precious data from being deleted by logical or physical causes.
The 4 Most Common Causes of Data LossThe frequency of data loss incidents has been on the rise recently, despite improvements and cost reductions in data storage media. In addition, with the increased storage capacity of hard drives today, a considerably large amount of data can be stored on just one hard drive, making the consequences of a single damaged drive that much more critical.
Help! My Hard Drive Crashed! Now What?One of the worst feelings computer users can have is the realization that their computer’s hard drive has crashed, taking with it sensitive and valuable data. Often this data can be recovered with the help of a data recovery specialist, though it can be expensive and will take some time.
System Table Corruption Renders To “All System Tables Must Be In” ErrorWhenever a DBA creates any MS SQL object (be it a table, view, report, form, etc.), its properties (metadata) are saved in System Tables. These system tables are primarily used to discover differences and similarities between tables and columns at the time of database upgrade, view performance statistics, and collect lock information.
Hard Drive Data Recovery – Will You Need It?Nowadays there are computers in virtually every home and business in the western world and it is becoming harder and harder to actually exist without access to the internet. We all will suffer a hard drive data recovery crisis sooner or later.
LTO 5 Tapes Arrive on The SceneLTO 5 is the Tape Backup industries newest addition, it boasts an incredible 1.5 TB capacity almost double the LTO-4 capacity. It is also fast with an uncompressed transfer rate of 140 MBps!!! Data storage and security is a high priority for a company of any size.
Storage Vs Backup – What Is the Difference?As businesses are required by law to keep data for specific periods of time and as businesses realise the need for effective offsite data storage, clarification of the difference between data storage and backup can be helpful. Although the terms ‘storage’ and ‘backup’ are sometimes used interchangeably, they do not always mean the same thing.
Protecting Your Priceless DataA great way to think of online storage is as an insurance policy of sorts. You may never need it, however if the need arises, you will be grateful that you made those payments. Here are a few of the many benefits to using online backup to protect your files.
The Many Marvels of Online Back UpSince its introduction, online back ups have been the savior of countless individuals with regard to versatile data storage and use. Not only online backups can be completely automatic to release time for various tasks, it’s additionally very simple to handle.
Professional Services Offered by Colocation ExpertsColocation is actually utilized to transmit the fastest internet velocity to the people. This is referred to as server colocation.
How to Create a Disaster Recovery Plan for a Small BusinessCreating a disaster recovery plan for a small business can be a very arduous task. This is because nobody really knows what to do when disaster strikes, especially a small business when compared to a larger business that has more resources. While many people may not see the usefulness of such ventures, it is always important to have a back up plan in case something goes wrong. Three ways to go about creating a disaster recovery plan are to consult with the people around you for ideas, take a look at other businesses and to acquire an opinion from a professional or colleague.